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Second-hand handpan: a cost-effective way to meditation and well-being

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Immerse yourself into the hypnotic world of the Handpan, a key instrument for meditation and well-being. Find out how a second-hand Handpan can be your springboard to serenity without draining your budget.

A new player has arrived on the scene in the bustling world of meditation and well-being: the Handpan. This hypnotic-sounding musical instrument has become the preferred partner of many people on the path to serenity. But buying a new handpan can be a major investment. So how can you enjoy the benefits of this instrument without emptying your wallet?

The answer is simple: opt for a second-hand handpan! In this article, we’ll explore how a second-hand handpan can become your springboard to meditation and well-being, without blowing your budget.

What is a Handpan?

The Handpan, also known as the Hang Drum, is an acoustic musical instrument that originated in Switzerland in the early 2000s. It looks like an inverted flying saucer and consists of two steel shells welded together to form a resonant cavity.

Each handpan is unique, handcrafted and carefully tuned to produce harmonious notes when struck by hand. It only takes a few moments to fall under the spell of its haunting sound, which is reminiscent of bells, cymbals and hand drums.

But the Handpan is more than just a musical instrument. Thanks to its soothing sounds, it has found a special place in the world of meditation and yoga. In fact, the vibrations produced by the Handpan create a special space conducive to relaxation, concentration and introspection. So, are you ready to let yourself be transported by the sound of the Handpan? Let’s see how a second-hand Handpan can be an excellent gateway to this fascinating world.

Why to choose a second-hand Handpan?

A new handpan is like a luxury car. It’s beautiful, it shines, it smells good and it turns heads. However, as with a luxury car, the investment can be substantial. So why not turn to a second-hand Handpan? Here are a few arguments that might just convince you.

First, the price. A second-hand handpan is generally much cheaper than a new one. However, the sound quality of a well-maintained handpan does not deteriorate over time. The notes remain as vibrant and harmonious as on the first day. What’s more, an instrument that has already been played may have gained in richness of sound, a bit like a fine wine that improves with age.

Secondly, respect for the environment. Buying a second-hand Handpan means giving a second life to an instrument that has already made someone else happy. It’s a concrete way of reducing your ecological footprint. What’s more, by buying second-hand, you’re supporting a more circular economy, where resources are used as efficiently as possible.

Where can I find a second-hand Handpan or Hang Drum?

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Now that you’re convinced of the benefits of buying a second-hand Handpan, you’re probably wondering where to find your future gem. Don’t worry, we’ve got a few tips for you.

There are many online platforms specialising in the sale of second-hand musical instruments, where you can find Handpans of all kinds. Don’t hesitate to consult the opinions of other buyers to get an idea of the quality of the instruments on offer.

If you’d prefer to see and try out the instrument before buying it, you can look into second-hand music shops. Some offer Handpans for sale. It may be worth making an appointment so that you can try out the instrument at your convenience.

Finally, don’t forget the classified ads between private individuals. Some Handpan owners decide to sell their instrument for various reasons, and there can be some very good deals to be made. However, be careful and check the condition of the instrument before you buy. If possible, ask a knowledgeable person to accompany you.

The most important criteria for choosing a used Handpan

Entering the world of second-hand handpans can seem as complex as it is exciting. With so many options available, how do you choose the instrument that will best suit your needs and budget? Here are some key criteria to consider to help you make an informed decision.

Sound quality: a melody for your soul

Sound quality is undoubtedly the most important thing to consider when buying a second-hand Handpan. After all, it’s the sound that made your heart beat and attracted you to this unique instrument. When trying out a second-hand Handpan, take the time to play each note individually and together to assess the clarity, richness and harmony of the sounds produced. Don’t hesitate to ask an experienced musician for advice if you’re not sure of your judgement.

The material: the soul of the instrument

The material of the handpan is another factor to consider. Traditionally, handpans are usually made from nitrided or stainless steel. Each of these materials produces a distinct sound and has its own durability. Nitrided steel offers a warm, rich sound, but can be more susceptible to corrosion. Stainless steel, on the other hand, is more resistant to rust, but can produce a slightly brighter sound. Your choice will depend on your personal preference and the environment in which you plan to use the instrument.

The brand and the manufacturer: a guarantee of quality

There are many handpan manufacturers, each with their own reputation and manufacturing methods. In general, a handpan from a reputable manufacturer will be a guarantee of quality. Don’t hesitate to research the manufacturer and read other users’ reviews to get an idea of the quality of their instruments.

General condition: age is just a number

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A second-hand handpan can be just as good, if not better, than a new one, provided it has been well looked after. Inspect the instrument carefully for signs of wear, such as dents, scratches or rust. Also make sure that the instrument is well tuned and that it does not make any unpleasant or discordant sounds when played.

Price: your ally for smart buying

As with any purchase, price is an important factor to consider. However, don’t forget that the lowest price isn’t always the best deal. A quality second-hand handpan may cost a little more, but it will be more durable and offer better sound quality. What’s more, a good handpan can be with you for many years, making it a worthwhile long-term investment.

Compatibility with your practice: the key to perfect harmony

Last but not least, your second-hand Handpan should match your aspirations and practice. Are you looking for an instrument to accompany your meditation sessions? Or are you looking for a Handpan that can help you explore new musical avenues? The scale of the instrument, its size, the number of notes, etc. are all criteria to be taken into account, depending on your personal goals.

It can be useful to make a list of your priorities and preferences before you start your search. This will help you stay focused and not get overwhelmed by all the options available.

Buying a second-hand handpan: mistakes to avoid and good practice to follow

tips second-hand handpan

Things to do :

  • Do your research. As with any purchase, it’s important to find out about the product you want to buy. What brand of handpan is it? What is its scale? Is it made of stainless steel or nitrided steel? All these factors can influence the sound quality and durability of the instrument.
  • Try before you buy. If possible, it’s always a good idea to try out a handpan before you buy it. This will give you an idea of what it sounds like and check that there are no flaws.
  • Ask about the history of the instrument. A good dealer should be able to give you information about the age of the instrument, its previous owner and its maintenance.
  • Inspect the instrument. Check that there are no dents, scratches or rust on the handpan. These can affect the quality of the sound.
  • Listen to the instrument. A well-tuned handpan should produce clear, vibrant notes. If the notes sound out of tune, this may indicate that the instrument has been badly treated.

Don’ts :

  • Don’t buy in a hurry. Take the time to compare different second-hand handpans before making your choice. A handpan is an investment that should bring you joy and peace of mind for many years to come. Don’t rush.
  • Don’t neglect maintenance. A second-hand handpan that has not been properly maintained can present long-term problems. Make sure the instrument has been properly cleaned and oiled to prevent rust.
  • Don’t let the price fool you. A cheaper handpan is not necessarily a good deal. The sound quality and durability of the instrument are far more important than the price.
  • Don’t neglect transport. A handpan is a delicate instrument and must be properly protected during transport. Make sure that the seller offers a safe and reliable transport solution.
  • Don’t trust the salesperson blindly. If the seller can’t answer your questions or seems to avoid certain subjects, this could be a warning sign. Don’t hesitate to look elsewhere if something seems suspicious.

In short, buying a second-hand handpan can be an excellent way of exploring the world of handpan sound without emptying your wallet. However, it’s important to be careful and take the time to make the right choice. After all, your future second-hand handpan is not just a musical instrument, it’s a partner on the road to well-being and serenity.

Taking care of your Handpan

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Like any musical instrument, a handpan needs a bit of attention to stay in good condition. Here are a few tips on how to look after your second-hand Handpan.

First of all, protect it from shocks and bad weather. A handpan is a delicate instrument that doesn’t like being hit or getting wet. Remember to store it in a suitable case when you’re not using it.

Then clean it regularly. A soft cloth and a little linseed oil are all you need to remove dust and fingerprints. Be careful, never use abrasive products that could damage the surface of the instrument.

Finally, if you find that your handpan is getting out of tune, don’t try to retune it yourself. Contact a professional who will be able to repair your instrument without risking any damage.

With these few precautions, your second-hand Handpan will accompany you for many years in your quest for well-being and serenity.

To Conclude

The Handpan is much more than just a musical instrument. It’s a true partner on your path to well-being and meditation. With its soothing sounds and ease of use, it’s the ideal tool for those seeking to create a space of serenity in their daily lives.

Opting for a second-hand Handpan is not only about making an economical and ecological choice, it’s also about giving a second life to an instrument that has already brought joy and serenity to someone else. It’s like adopting a new friend who will accompany you in your moments of calm and reflection.

Whether you’re a veteran meditation practitioner or a curious newcomer, don’t hesitate to try the Handpan. You’ll discover a rich, soothing world of sound that will help you refocus and reconnect with what’s essential. And if you need any further information about used handpans, we invite you to contact us directly.

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