Intermediate & Professional Handpan

Our intermediate and advanced Handpans

Would you like to buy a handpan that offers a wide range of musical possibilities? Discover our collection of handpans for intermediate and advanced players. These hangs drums have a higher number of notes, so you can expand the range of possibilities in terms of musical scales, melodies and keys. We recommend these handpans for music players who already have some experience of the handpan or another percussion instrument. Become a Handpan Master with an instrument that can follow you through all your musical ambitions.

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Showing all 19 results

A wide choice of Handpans in the shop

Our shop offers you a wide range of handpans to enable you to play the hang drum in the most appropriate and personalised way for you. You’ll find a selection of handpans with a wide choice of notes (10 notes, 11 notes, 13 notes, 15 notes, 17 notes), as well as handpans tuned to different scales to match the style of music that suits you best. We offer handpans hammered by hand and tuned in D Minor and C Major,

You can also choose the frequency of your instrument, but if music is your main purpose, you should opt for a model tuned to the 440hz frequency. The 432hz frequency is more suited to holistic use, in other words, anything to do with spirituality, meditation and relaxation.

How do you choose a handpan if you’re an experienced musician?

If you’re an experienced musician or already have experience of percussion instruments, you should find the handpan of your dreams in this section. We offer a range of hang drums made from stainless steel and nitrided steel by expert handpan craftsmen.

All the Handpans we present in this section offer a wide range of possibilities and customisation options. Whether it’s the number of notes or the musical scale, you should have no trouble finding an instrument that suits you.

If you’re an experienced musician, you’ve probably already got an idea of the handpan you want. To help you make your choice, audio extracts are available for each of the instruments on sale in our shop.

Making progress and becoming a handpan expert

Once you have a good quality handpan in your possession, you’ll be able to progress and play all kinds of arrangements and melodies with your instrument.

There are so many musical possibilities with a hang drum for intermediate and advanced players that there are virtually no limits to the music you can play.

As you progress, you will be able to apply more advanced techniques specially adapted to the handpan. There are also advanced courses and training courses run by professional handpan players to help you progress faster.